home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- compile-while-executing
- You cannot compile while the machine
- is executing. This could cause strange
- problems!
- exception-thrown
- An exception was thrown:
- break-no-source
- Breakpoint hit in a file for which the
- source cannot be found. Filename:
- error-in-file
- An error occurred in a file for which the
- source cannot be found.
- class: source line number:
- system-exit
- The method finished through an explicit
- "exit" instruction. No result was
- returned. The exit code is:
- no-help
- No help available for this message.
- Please mail the text of the error message
- to mik@mip.sdu.dk - we will then
- add a help text to our help database. Thanks.
- editor-crashed
- It seems that BlueJ crashed while writing this class
- to disk last time. The source code may be missing or
- incomplete. There should be a backup of this class
- in the project folder. If this class seems damaged,
- 1 - quit BlueJ
- 2 - backup your project folder (just in case)
- 3 - look into the project folder for a backup of
- this java file. Rename it to the original
- file name (with a '.java' suffix)
- # errors:
- #########
- no-lib-selected
- You have not specified a library to go to.
- Click on a library in the "Search results" list
- and then press the "Go to" button.
- no-target-dialog
- Before you use a package from
- the Library Browser, you need
- at least one target package open
- in a BlueJ window.
- cannot-locate-lib-node
- Cannot locate the selected node in the
- LibraryChooser tree. The usual cause of
- this error is an out-of-date package file
- in the directory containing the package.
- missing-shadow
- Cannot locate shadow area:
- cannot-run-compiler
- Cannot run compiler. Is the
- program in your path?
- Name of compiler:
- compiler-error
- Compiler error:
- stream-incomplete
- Compiler error. Error stream incomplete.
- out-of-bounds
- Element specified is not
- within array bounds.
- cannot-access-element
- Unable to access the array
- element specified.
- appletviewer-error
- \uc560\ud50c\ub9bf \ubdf0\uc5b4\uc5d0\uc11c \uc560\ud50c\ub9bf\uc744 \uc2e4\ud589\ud558\ub294\uc911 \uc5d0\ub7ec\uac00 \ubc1c\uc0dd\ud558\uc600\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
- error-no-name
- \ubc18\ub4dc\uc2dc \uc720\ud6a8\ud55c \uc774\ub984\uc774\uc5b4\uc57c \ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.
- error-save-file
- An error occurred when trying to save
- the file. The file was not saved.
- cannot-save-keys
- An error occurred while trying to save
- the key bindings. The bindings were not
- saved.
- error-no-templates
- The specified template directory (the directory where
- BlueJ finds the class templates) does not exist. It
- is defined with the property "bluej.templatePath" in
- <bluej-home>/lib/bluej.defs. Check and fix this property.
- skeleton-error
- The default skeleton for the class could not be
- generated. This may be because of configuration
- error in the setup of BlueJ, or because of file
- system access problems.
- error-open-source
- Cannot open the source
- of this class.
- error-open-readme
- There is a problem opening the text note
- of this project. A new empty text note has
- been created.
- error-writing-readme
- The README file for this project could not be
- updated to add the main class information.
- There was an error changing this file.
- error-exporting
- An error occurred while trying to export the
- application. Some or all files may not have
- been correctly copied.
- error-writing-jar
- The jar file could not be written correctly.
- (Check the file system for access rights and
- disk space availability.)
- error-jar-exists
- The jar file you have selected already exists.
- Do you want to continue?
- Overwrite
- Cancel
- null
- invalid-class-name
- \uc798\ubabb\ub41c \ud074\ub798\uc2a4\uba85\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.
- invalid-package-name
- \uc798\ubabb\ub41c \ud328\ud0a4\uc9c0\uba85\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.
- directory-exists
- A file or directory with this
- name already exists.
- cannot-copy-package
- There was a problem copying the
- package files. The package was
- not written or may be incomplete.
- file-does-not-exist
- The specified file
- does not exist.
- cannot-import
- Cannot import file. The file must
- be a Java source file (it's name
- must end in ".java").
- docdir-blocked-by-file
- The directory for the documentation could
- not be created in the project directory
- because there is a file with same name.
- docdir-not-created
- The directory for the documentation could
- not be created in the project directory.
- no-permission-for-docdir
- The directory for the documentation could
- not be created in the project directory
- because of insufficient rights.
- show-or-generate
- Do you want to show the documentation
- generated previously, or do you want
- to regenerate the whole documentation?
- Just Show
- Regenerate
- Cancel
- doctool-error
- Javadoc reported an error. It could be that there is a
- syntax error in one of the files you tried to generate
- a documentation for. It could also be that the JDK
- documentation URL specified in the preferences is incorrect.
- Make sure that all your Java files are compiled and the
- documentation URL is accessible or disabled. Then try again.
- If this message appears again you should check the log file
- with the error messages from Javadoc:
- severe-doc-trouble
- An exception occured during the call
- to the external documentation tool.
- no-java-sources-found
- No Java source files were
- found in this directory.
- duplicate-name
- A class with this name already exists
- in this package. You cannot have two
- classes with the same name.
- duplicate-package-name
- A package with this name already exists
- in this project.
- error-in-import
- An error occured during the attempt to
- import the file. Check access rights and
- disk space.
- no-class-selected
- No class or package selected for removal.
- Select a class or package by clicking on
- it before trying to remove.
- really-remove-class
- \uc774 \ud074\ub798\uc2a4\ub97c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uba74
- \uc18c\uc2a4 \ud30c\uc77c\ub3c4 \uc601\uad6c \uc0ad\uc81c\ub420 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.
- \uacc4\uc18d\ud558\uc2dc\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\uae4c?
- \uc0ad\uc81c
- \ucde8\uc18c
- null
- really-remove-package
- Removing this package will permanently
- delete the package directory (including ALL
- the contents of that directory).
- Do you want to continue?
- Remove
- Cancel
- null
- remove-package-open
- The package you have selected for
- deletion has some sub-packages opened
- within BlueJ. You must close these
- packages before you will be allowed
- to delete this package.
- package-does-not-exist
- Error in opening package.
- Package does not exist:
- no-bluej-package
- Error in opening package.
- The file/directory is not
- a BlueJ package:
- applet-height-width
- Applet height and width
- must be specified.
- cannot-read-help
- Cannot read help file:
- not-yet-implemented
- Not Yet Implemented - sorry.
- quit-all
- Quit all open projects?
- Quit All
- Cancel
- null
- really-reload
- Reload discards all changes since the last edit.
- Are you sure?
- Reload
- Cancel
- null
- really-print
- The text is wider than the paper. Long lines
- will be cut off. You can avoid this by resizing
- the editor window to make it narrower. Do you
- want to print anyway?
- Print
- Cancel
- null
- open-non-bluej-already-bluej
- The directory you have selected is already
- a BlueJ project.
- open-non-bluej-no-java
- No Java source files were
- found in this directory.
- open-non-bluej-invalid
- You have indicated you wish to open this
- directory as a BlueJ project, however a file
- has been found with a package statement that
- is incompatible with the current directory
- structure. (For example, if the Java class
- Shape has a package line of com.aa, then the
- file Shape.java must be in a directory aa
- which is itself in a directory com. This com
- directory in turn must be in another directory
- which is the directory you should point BlueJ
- to when attempting to open it).
- import-into-current
- You currently have a package open in this window.
- Do you want to import into the current package
- or would you like to create a new project and
- import into that?
- Current
- New Project
- Cancel
- package-name-invalid
- You have changed the package statement
- to a package which does not exist in this project.
- If you wish to move this class to another
- package you must create the destination
- package first. The package statement has been
- reverted back to its original form.
- package-name-changed
- You have changed the package statement which
- tells Java the package this class is in. Do you
- want to move this class to the indicated package
- or do you want to leave the class where it is
- (the package statement will be reverted back to
- its original form)?
- Move
- Revert
- null
- ask-index
- Enter array element index [...]
- Array Inspection
- null
- classmgr-changes-no-effect
- The changes you have made to the class libraries
- will not take effect until the next time you
- start BlueJ.
- # editor:
- #########
- no-search-string
- No search string is defined.
- (Highlight some text or use 'Find' first.)
- default-keys
- Do you really want to discard all your
- key bindings and set the default
- bindings?
- Set defaults
- Cancel
- null